what is a Domain Name

A domain name is your website name. A domain name is the address where Internet users can access your website. A domain name can be any combination of letters and numbers, and it can be used in combination of the various domain name extensions, such as .com, .net, .in and more. The domain name must be registered before you can use it. Every domain name is unique. Having your own domain name, website and email addresses will give you and your business a more professional look.

Check availability for your domain name

Allowable Characters: A-Z, 0-9 and hyphen (-)
Domains cannot begin or end in a hyphen and cannot have two hyphens in a row

Choose Your Extension(s)


Extension Free Email Accounts DNS Service Mail Forwards Domain Forwarding Theft Protection Price Duration
.com 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1190.00 1 Year
.net 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1446.00 1 Year
.org 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1400.00 1 Year
.in 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 699.00 1st Year
.co.in 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 650.00 1st Year
.org.in 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 650.00 1st Year
.ind.in 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 650.00 1st Year
.in.net 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 899.00 1st Year
.ac.in - - - - - 1,750.00 2 Years
.edu.in - - - - - 1,750.00 2 Years
.info 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 2500.00 1 Year
.biz 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1,800.00 1 Year
.co 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 2,600.00 1 Year
.us 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 799.00 1 Year
.club 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1,200.00 1 Year
.world 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 399.00 1st Year
.name 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 850.00 1 Year
.asia 2 Ids (100 MB/Mail box) 1,600.00 1 Year
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